Frank Reenskaug studied funiture design in Norway at the SHKS school in 1952. The same year he laun- ched a folding chair that only 2 years later was exhi- bited at the Triennalen Pavilion in Milan. The Cross Chair from 1956 was the first of his designs to be mass produced by the danish furniture manufacturer, N.A.Jørgensen, later called Bramin.

In 1958 the danish furniture manufacturer Bramin In 1958 the com- pany launched Frank Reenskaug ́s Rocking Chair, No 182, a pioneering concept of a high quality product, easy to assemble at home, at an accessable price point. It became his best sold design and a huge export success. Up through the 60 ́s he continued to design for several of the major Norwegian furniture manufactures.

Frank's Rocking
By relaunching the iconic mid-century chair, Frank’s Rocking, for contemporary interior, we honor it’s maker, Frank Reenskaug.